Friday 7 December 2018

How the View of Mental Illness Has Changed Over the Past 50 Years

Several decades ago in the 1960s, the deinstitutionalization movement brought about an abrupt, 180-degree change in the way patients with mental illness were handled and treated. This movement called for the removing of mentally ill patients from state and private institutions where many times these people received little to no care and treatment. This was done in order to alternatively give patients medications and therapy. When this movement took place, the tides begin to change in regards to the general attitude of those with a mental illness. The idea behind this was to make the public believe these people were members of the community and not just "crazies" in need of institutionalization. Family Therapy And research have proven that a patients relationship with their family members can positively or negatively affect their mental illness. Because of this research, family therapy was born and this therapy has allowed those with an illness to stay out of institutions. Today, the treating physician, as well as the active family members, are directly responsible for integrating people with mental illness into society. Treatment Centers

Also, if a mentally ill person needs to be hospitalized, there is less of a chance now than before that they will be subject to restraints and isolation. Today's psychiatry leans toward day treatment centers where there are fewer staff members and an increased emphasis on group therapy as opposed to individual therapy, which paved the course for halfway houses as well as allowing patients with mental illness to go home at night and still receive treatment during the day. Problems with Deinstitutionalizing, Of course, there were some negatives that came along with the deinstitutionalizing of metal facilities. There are some people with mental illness who should be put into an institution because they are dangerous to themselves and others. However, because putting them into an institution or a state hospital without their consent is not a legal option, these people have either made their way into prisons or out onto the streets. Support Organizations

The mental health experts of today understand that those with mental illness greatly benefit from social networks providing care, acceptance, and support even in the most difficult of times. And mentally ill people who receive this kind of support tend to recover faster. Because the individual communities throughout society are not as close-knit as they once were, mentally ill patients no longer receive their primary support from family and friends, which finally brought about the explosion of support organizations. Bipolar, or manic-depressive, the disorder is a mental health condition that happens within a certain time period and is characterized by varying degrees of mania, which is a hyper state of mind, and depression. Most people do experience times of elevated moods as well as depressed moods; however, the patient will have extreme mood swings lasting anywhere from a few minutes to a few months. Many times sufferers have frequent thoughts of suicide.

This mental disease is always in a constant state of change where at one point of time the sufferer appears to be highly focused and has plenty of energy while at another point of time the same person seems tired, listless, and withdrawn. Bipolar Disorder Symptoms A person who has bipolar disorder will have times of highly agitated moods, which can further put them in a state of depression; however, the amount of time one spends in this mental state can vary to a wide degree. And when a patient is experiencing fluctuating moods, their functioning can either increase or decrease, depending upon the mood's severity. Also, their cognitive functions, energy and activity levels, and pattern of sleep are negatively impacted. Specific Depression Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

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