Sunday 23 December 2018

Managing People: Stop Focusing On The Bottom by Rick Dacri

Put yourself in his place. Would you want to have your disposable diapers displayed on the back of the toilet so everyone could know that you had bladder control issues? Perhaps, you would like it if your pads or tampons were on the display each month when you had a period? Or, maybe, you'd like it if you had someone told you that you shouldn't think about being intimate because your mobility was compromised? I, for one, think that this is none of a caregiver's business! Now, helping him to find someone, if that is not your forte, might be of some help! Or, would that - in some way - jeopardize your control?

Speaking of which, making certain that your charge takes his pills. I'm certain that you learned the importance of that one in school. Did they mention in class that he might want to take "The little blue pill" or something else like Viagra? When my 1st caregiver accompanied me to see my primary care physician, I asked her for an erectile dysfunction prescription. My caregiver was aghast. Then, when I told my doctor that my neurologist had said, "If you don't use it -- you'll lose it, my caregiver just about did. Maybe, it didn't mean anything to her, but I was still a man, and it sure did to me.

RASCAL RUSS MILES IS AN APOSTLE. Chosen by The Lord, in the Apostolic Order of Apostle, Paul, Rascal says, “I Am The Lord's Playfully Mischievous Apostle.” Expert in Scriptural understanding, Rascal's mission includes the assignment to "Shout from the rooftops the Lord's Inspired Messages via Ezine articles, Cyber-Space, Books, Mailings To 'My Good Buddy's List', and Many Other means."Under his pseudonym, Russ Miles, Rascal's credits include mystery novel, For Sale By Owners: FSBO. 1-800-AUTHORS or B&N, & Amazon"Seasoned Real Estate NAR Broker," Rascal Russ became increasingly disabled by "Incurable" Multiple Sclerosis over 5-years. Now "Cured", Rascal offers nutritional products, healing prayers, writes books & articles on varied subjects.

One of the least understood, most underutilized marketing techniques in the business world is public relations. That fact represents an opportunity for small business owners and managers who are willing to devote a little time to cultivating relationships with reporters and editors in their community. Advertising is the obvious approach to self-promotion, so a lot of your competition is doing it. Generating free or inexpensive publicity through press releases and media relations is not as commonplace, so it offers a much more uncluttered arena for gaining visibility and name recognition. The 'cost of admission' consists of a newsworthy story and a little insight into how the process works.

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