Tuesday 8 January 2019

Add ONE Food to Your Diet to Start Losing Weight Today

Your basal metabolism is the amount of energy you expend while you are simply sustaining life. This includes normal brain activity, the functioning of your internal organs (like your heart, liver, and kidneys), and skeletal muscles. This doesn't include digestion or exercise. Physical activity adds an extra 20% while digestion provides another 10%. It's clear, therefore, that several factors affect metabolism. Activity and muscle mass are probably the most important factors. Each pound of muscle adds about 50 calories per day to the basal metabolism rate. The frequency of meals as well as the nutritive content making up the meals is other factors. Added factors include stress levels, heredity, and age.

The majority of people are overweight today because they eat excessive food supplying calories far beyond what is necessary for their daily activities. Their "chemical processing plant" is just too slow when compared with their energy intake. Much of the excess energy is stored as fat. Therefore, the important factors involved in weight control are plain to increase your metabolism and to decrease your intake of food. The solution to extra weight is usually a moderate decrease in food consumption (possibly eliminating 10 to 15% of the amount you presently consume) with a few more healthy food choices coupled with a daily increase in exercise routines including strength training. A slightly lower than normal food intake will continue to furnish the nutrients needed to sustain your muscle mass and organs and an increase in exercise will help develop new muscles and burn unwanted fat.

A more healthful selection of foods should incorporate natural foods rather than processed foods containing assorted types of sugar. Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, cane juice, along with a multitude of other sugar alternatives are derived from natural foods by getting rid of fiber and other healthful components. Devoid of its natural fiber, the sweetener is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream causing insulin levels to rise fast to help manage sugar levels in the blood. The excess sugar is retained as body fat. This produces a low blood sugar concentration that ultimately results in the lower level of metabolism you know as the afternoon slump.

Instead of eating large meals, you ought to eat more frequent but smaller meals. This would level out digestion throughout the day and keep your metabolism elevated. It will also decrease the flood of sugars into your bloodstream, eliminating the reduction of your metabolism you experience after a heavy meal. Aerobic exercises combined with muscle building weight training will help elevate your metabolism. Every pound of muscle mass you build requires an additional 50 calories each day. This genuinely helps use up the calories.

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