Wednesday 2 January 2019

Internet Marketing Opportunities and Tools by Ross Quadee

Some leaders are concerned that affiliate programmes will distract their team members from their 'mission.' In some cases I think this can be the case but if you choose wisely the funded proposal is designed only to complement the work one is doing with the primary business. It allows a new distributor to stay in the business long enough to learn the skills which are needed to build a strong passive income. I am all for this because in my first years in the business I was under constant financial stress and almost developed stomach ulcers just thinking about how I was going to keep myself afloat financially.

Does your company offer great training events in exotic locations around the world? Lifestyle is what its all about but too often new team members find themselves living the 'lifestyle' without the funds to pay for it. I see the funded proposal as a way for them to put cash in their pocket, thus helping them to maintain a good attitude and funding their business and travel expenses until their residual income kicks in. In my first company, we used to retail in our sleep just to stay alive and also to meet the dreaded monthly volume requirements.

We are fast moving away from that model and retail is all but dead in Network Marketing. The funded proposal is so much more fun and once set up works on autopilot. That means you generate cash flow without taking your time away from building your main business because the two activities blend together beautifully. Oh to have success in Internet Marketing! That is my goal. But what does it really mean to have success online? Does it have the same meaning to every person who makes the decision to work online?

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