Monday 21 January 2019

Life Changing, Little Kindnesses

Focusing intensively on my own childhood for significant lengths of time would not be beneficial to me. If anything, this would probably bring me down as I relive it and give it emotional energy and focus. I would be reinforcing the chains that lock me into old and archaic paradigms, rather than moving forward to a place of freedom. If there is a wrong that I need to set right, I must take whatever action step I can take for now and then let it go. Reliving painful experiences of the past, whether in this lifetime or the last, doesn't help us!

When you notice that something is tripping you up, when you notice that there is a backlash or an old button that is being pressed, IN THAT MOMENT, it can be beneficial to realize that there is an old reaction going on and then you can stop and take a look, with the intention of releasing it. But the AWARENESS that something from the past is tripping you up is the DOORWAY itself to the next level. If you have become aware of it, this means that you have stepped out to the macro level and your higher self has already taken that leap of expansion and growth! Simply becoming aware of it opens the next door. Meditate on any action step that needs to be taken and then focuses on the door.

When you realize that you have been tripping over the same crack in the sidewalk all of your life, you don't need to hang around and study the crack, just step over it from now on. You can get it fixed if you feel you must, but you still don't need to study and labor over it. The awareness itself is the key that opens the next door - and your higher self is already there. When you see the doorway, don't stop and say, "No I need to stay in this room and give it more energy". When you do this, you hold yourself out of alignment with your higher or inner being and this doesn't feel good. Simply RELEASE and walk through to the other side.

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