Wednesday 2 January 2019

Stress Management Made Simple: One Simple Tip To Lower Your Stress by Jay P. Granat, Ph.D.

Socialize - Loneliness can be a real killer. Socialize as much as possible with your friends and family. Get out there and do things, go to the cinema, concerts, attend an evening class (the more mentally stimulating the better). Stay Strong & Active - You have to keep moving or your body will come to a standstill. Taking part in regular exercise is absolutely vital. Regular strength training is extremely important. Losing muscle mass is something you want to avoid or at least delay for as long as possible so strength training will help this as well as keeping your bones strong, this will lower your chances of osteoporosis.

I believe food is medicine, many of the effects you get from modern day medicine you can get from eating the right foods. Nutrition influences biochemistry. Biochemistry influences everything at a cellular level. If you eat well there should be no need for some medications. If you spend your whole life eating fresh, natural whole foods and stay active then it will also show. You will most likely be lean, mobile, disease free and full of energy, a rarity these days.

You should aim to eat a diet containing lots of quality fats and protein's (the bodies building materials) which will help you to maintain your muscle stores. Also, protein boosts the production of HGH in your body, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is your body's natural 'fountain of youth'. As you age the production of this hormone slows down greatly, regular strength exercise (lifting, pushing and pulling heavy stuff) and quality protein keep the production of this hormone going!

Eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods - Antioxidants which are found in colorful fruit and vegetables help to reduce the damage caused by free radicals in your system. Free radicals can speed up the onset of aging; they are unstable electrons (O1 molecules)which are produced during metabolism. They damage the cell nucleus and the mitochondria. Free radicals bounce around inside your cells like a pinball, causing damage every time they hit something. They cause absolute havoc. Antioxidants provide the free radical with the extra O1 molecule they need to become stable O2 molecules.

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