Friday 4 January 2019

The Best Internet Marketing Strategy - Implementation and Practice

When your business gets big and you have a lot of customer service, there's no system that's perfect. You can go into your fax and look at all your history. This will protect the client if for some reason something got missed. It does not happen often, but it will happen with every business if you do enough business. You can then say 'look, we're not sure how it happened, and we apologize and we'll correct any mistakes that should be in your favor'. It's for them as well. It's definitely a two-way street and you're doing your clients a favor if you have that system in place. The person that's handling your customer support, they're going to come to you and say, 'you know what, we keep getting people that are calling and saying this happened'. You can modify your system or you change your system. We always send a confirmation email. Even if somebody has faxed in a cancellation, we send a confirmation email saying we have gone ahead and received your cancellation request, here's the information, etc, etc, etc,

The key point is, don't hide how to cancel. That's not going to do you any good. All it does is make clients who might potentially buy other things from you in the future aggravated and aimed never to purchase from you or anyone like you again. Just because they don't want to have the newsletter anymore doesn't mean that they won't buy other products from you. Also, you can't take cancellations personal newsletter. Maybe is just not the information they need any more at this time. There could be a lot of reasons why they are canceling. We've had people that have left our newsletter and gone on to buy thousands of dollars worth of product form us. Why? Because we provided good and fair customer service and they trusted us.

SO, don't make it hard. You're not doing any justice by it. The small amount of money you think you are making, in the long run, isn't going to make any difference. It is going to cost you way more than you would ever make off that customer. As an example, we put our cancellation policy on the monthly CD we send with the newsletter, on the newsletter itself with very clear instructions, in the FAQ section of our help desk, and clearly stated on the sales page.

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