Wednesday 27 February 2019

Burn That Fat - With Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer

The question is of course whether this is true or not, so how does the acai berry aid weight loss? The fatty acids and fibers of the berries combined help your body process food more efficiently and keep your metabolism stable. This excellent natural appetite suppressant prevents your body from storing any excess fat as well.

But it doesn't stop there. Oh, no, kids, this same concept is even easier to implement at home. I'm not advocating junk food, but lets face it, we all have cravings, and we all stray from that ideal food plan now and again, and that's OK, you just have to make sure you keep it under control. Leave the bag of chips in the cup board and just place some on a bowl to take to the living room while you gaze at the telly. So what size bowls do you have in your house? Don't fill the mixing bowl! Get a smallish cereal bowl.

For some reason even cereal bowls have gotten gigantic. I look at the pyrex bowls of my youth and the huge cereal bowls my sons feel they need to fill. My son's bowls are twice as big. Look for a smaller bowl and the psychological need will be met when that is full. Same principal goes for plates at parties you go to (or at home) smaller plates mean smaller portions, mean less calories. This is an easy tip you can start using right away on your quest for a slimmer waistline. I'm on the same journey, and using the same ideas. They work.

Losing 30 pounds is more difficult than, say, losing 10 pounds but the principles stay the same. You'll need a little more focus to pull it off, but it is doable if you can put away your preconceived notions about yourself for about 3 months. It will only take 3 strong weeks of eating well and working out to form some new habits that will keep you moving on the path to a slimmer, healthier body. Work the plan below and you will lose 30 pounds inside of 3 months.

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