Saturday 23 February 2019

Things That You Shouldn't Do in the Gym

Look at your food diary and identify the foods or drinks that really aren't helping your fat - loss efforts. Work out which types of food you need to increase or reduce. The main culprits are likely to be calorie -dense low-fibre snacks: biscuits, puddings crisps, ice cream, cakes and chocolate bars. Work out which foods cause you to overeat - the ones that you find almost impossible to resist. Keep these problem foods out of your home. If it's not there, you won't think about it as much and be tempted to overeat.

If you eat chaotically, you lose the ability to make the connection between hunger and eating - and the result is overeating. Develop a predictable and stable meal pattern is crucial. The reason most diets work initially is because they give your eating habits structure, usually three meals a day and maybe a healthy snack. This helps to rein in out-of-control eating. But often dieters become fixated with some other diet rule (such as calories or carbohydrate units) and alter the structure of their eating habits, skipping breakfast or delaying lunch, for example. And that's when the diet starts to go wrong. Plan to eat three meals a day plus two small, healthy snacks.

Don't skip meals or snacks. Depriving yourself can lead to overeating later on. When you let yourself get really hungry it's harder to make slim choices. You're more likely to give in to temptation as you pass the baker's shop or grab a chocolate bar on the run. Or you can convince yourself that you need extra food to satisfy your hunger. Plan what and when you will eat and avoid long gaps between meals. Take a healthy snack with you so you won't have to eat whatever is to hand.

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