Saturday 30 March 2019

9 Traits of Success - How Michael Phelps Won His Olympic Eighth Gold

So, you are now officially a ACN Distributor Subliminal 360 System Review and your doors are now open for Business. Congratulations on the decision to take your financial future into your own hands. You have just separated yourself from the hundreds of millions of others around the world that only talk about starting their own Home Based Business. You are obviously a person of action, ready to create a new future for yourself and your family.

Even if you have the best system in your hand, you will still fail if you don't believe in Network Marketing (MLM), believe in ACN and Believe in Yourself. You have to fix yourself a 1 month to learn the system that your mentor will teach to you. After you should already be an ETT. Alright, now that you understand the system teach by your mentor and that you have reach some lebel of success with it, it is time to teach to your new prospect so they can duplicate what you did. Take time to teach, teach the system, teach what allows you to move over. And remember that from a leadership prospective: This is a teaching and training business; therefore, to become a successful leader, you must learn how to teach and train.

If a leader gives 110% he can expect 110% from his members, lead by example, not by fancy words. If you can understand and master this step in your first 3 months in the ACN business you will reach the ETL position. Okay, final step before your financial independence. You goal at this time must be to reach the Team Coordinator position. To do so, you will need to teach to your prospect how to teach the system to their new prospect. By doing this, you are going to convert your prospect into leader that can duplicate exactly what you did.

Remember that whatever happens throughout your ACN Success trip, you be stay focused and consistent. Let's take a hockey player as an example. Every hockey players goal is to reach the NHL, and to achieve this goal they must practice everyday until the get call from their farm team. But if they get injury, they must start all over to get back at the top. It is the same thing with ACN. If you stop for 1 month, your team momentum will drop and you will have to start your business all over.

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