Wednesday, 3 April 2019

An Insomnia Natural Remedy - Why You Should Be Looking Out For One

Go Herbal. When you see your GP and Mela Luna Sleep Aid review want to discuss your insomnia, chances are you'll be given a prescription for a sleeping pill. Ever gone home vaguely disappointed - you really wanted to discuss your sleeping problems in more detail? Well, doctors usually don't have much time for each patient, and a prescription is quick and easy, not to mention that most doctors have been taught that they are a good solution. They aren't. All sleeping pills have side effects, among them making you more and more dependent upon them, so you need increasingly higher doses for them to work. Instead, try some of the gentle herbal solutions that are on the market, for example Valerian, a traditional remedy for centuries. Brew some lettuce tea! It's a bit more time consuming and a little messier than making normal tea, but it will be worth the effort! Use a cheap lettuce, like Iceberg salad. The reason this works is because lettuce contains something called lactucarium, a substance which has a similar effect on the brain as opium!

Check your medication. Doctors are supposed to ask you which medications you are on, but may forget to check it. If you complain of difficulties sleeping they may not think of connecting this with the medications you are on. Many medications can interfere with sleep, including beta blockers, some antidepressants, corticosteroids and many commonly bought pain killers. Have a banana! Or turkey! Bananas are ideal as a late night snack, since they contain large amounts of tryptophan. This is a substance that promotes that sleepy feeling, and which also can be found in turkey and in chicken. A supper with turkey or chicken as main course will help to make you drowsy.

Exercise - but not too late. That exercise can be good for you and help to put you too sleep is self evident, and it has also been proven in countless studies. Even mild exercise, such as half an hour of walking, can be of great help. But when you exercise is also important. Since it stimulates you the time to do it is not just before bedtime, rather a couple of hours before you want to go to bed. An hour of wild and uninhibited dancing late at night will not make you sleepy!

Be rigid! Normally I'd urge you to be flexible in all things, but NOT if you have sleep problems. Get up at the same time every morning, no matter what time you went to bed the night before. It won't take many nights until your body tells you it needs the sleep, and you will fall asleep. When you wake up go for a brief but brisk walk. Outdoors, you hear! The light and mild exercise will flush the cobwebs of sleep from your brain and synchronize your sleep cycle with the day-night natural cycle. This will make it easier for you to go to sleep at night.

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