Monday 1 April 2019

Treatment of Tinnitus - How to Manage Your Tinnitus

When exposed to a sound that is too loud Tinnitec Supplement Review or lasts for too long, sensitive structures, called hair cells, may be damaged. Hair cells are small sensory cells located in our inner ear that convert sound energy into electrical signals that travel to the brain. Once damaged, our hair cells cannot grow back. Symptoms of NIHL range in severity; however, victims may have difficulty hearing high frequency sounds, understanding speech, or may interpret sounds as muffled and distorted. In milder cases, the victim may not be aware of their hearing loss unless subjected to a hearing test.

While treatment for NIHL is nonexistent, prevention is rather simple. In order to prevent noise-induced hearing loss, people should avoid sounds that they perceive as excessively loud or last for a long time. Typically, sounds over 85 decibels are capable of causing damage to the inner ear. If exposure is mandatory, be sure to wear ear plugs to avoid damage. Additionally, teach children of the potential for hearing loss and provide them with proper protective equipment when partaking in loud activities.

When someone has a ringing sound that they can hear inside their head or more specifically inside their ears, they may say something like "I've got ringing of the ears" -- this is something only they can hear. This ear ringing -- known as tinnitus - can result in sounds other than just a ringing tone as it were. Sounds such as buzzing, roaring, hissing and even whistling can be heard. Other people may hear noises such as a beating or chirping or maybe even humming or clanging.

Not only will the sound vary from person to person but so will the severity of the actual noise heard in terms of volume and duration. Some people will hear the sound in one ear and others will hear it in both equally. Commonly there will be changes in pitch from person to person ranging from very low frequencies right up to a high-frequency squeak. And as for volume, that will range from barely audible that can only be heard during quiet moments as the day-to-day noises will mask it. This isn't true for everybody though some people experience noises that are so loud they can't sleep and can't concentrate.

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