Sunday 9 December 2018

Are Fast Weight Loss Diets a Part of Your New Years Resolution?

Your body needs about six months to fully recover and get back to normal after pregnancy. For women who are breastfeeding, that process takes a lot longer. However, some people report that breastfeeding will help a woman lose some of her pregnancy weight naturally. You have to remember that a woman's body goes through a lot of trauma during pregnancy and delivery, so we she needs to make sure that her body has fully healed before she goes into any kind of extensive exercise regimen. A woman can begin exercising again about 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. However, she should start out slowly and work her way up. Things like walking, swimming, and yoga are great, low impact exercises that she can do to get her body back in shape again. There is simply no need to go overboard trying to lose the weight quickly because that will only allow for water and muscle weight loss which is not a good thing. Just like any other time that we try to lose weight, it needs to be done in a slow and steady pace so that you will keep the weight off permanently.

Losing weight after pregnancy doesn't have to be a terrible battle that the woman has to face. There are all kinds of different resources available to women these days that specifically target pregnancy weight. The main thing a woman needs to remember is to go about it in a logical way and not trying to put herself through boot camp the first week after her baby is born. There will be plenty of time to lose the weight, so she should focus on enjoying her baby, eating a healthy diet and doing some light exercise after the first six weeks. Do you have a set of bathroom scales in your home? Do you spend a lot of time weighing yourself and feel great when your weight is down and feel down when your weight is up? This is so damaging to your self-esteem and body image. It is just not a healthy way to live.

Weighing ourselves every day should be stopped. Little girls see their mothers weighing themselves every day and get the message loud and clear that to be "OK", girls must have low weights. Then we wonder why little girls have eating disorders! Throw out the scales. Don't have them in the house. If you must weigh yourself, go down to the local shopping mall and do it there maybe once a month or weight every time you go to the doctor. Our weight fluctuates about 3-5 pounds during a month anyway. As a woman, water weight comes and goes over that space of time, so measuring is a much more accurate way to see if you are gaining or losing fat. Use your clothes as a measure of how you feel. How we feel about ourselves is much more important than what our scale says.

Instead of weighing, get into the habit of picking up some light weights or even a can of fruit in each hand and do some weight lifting for five minutes. Build some muscle every day. Muscle helps burn fat and sculpts your body making it look toned and healthy. Make this time fun for yourself, and your young daughter if you have one. Be a great role model and show her how you take care of yourself without obsessing over what you weigh. Plenty of individuals are interested in weight loss. Due to the ways of living these days, the people get fat and weak from not being able to exercise and eat healthily. And these people are too lazy to even go out and find real trainers. What they usually do is surf the Internet for solutions. This is where such Internet weight loss gurus come into play. They offer various products such as downloadable video tutorials or electronic books. Weight loss pills and equipment are also promoted. The loss gurus make millions by selling products like these.

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