Sunday 9 December 2018

Critical Success Factors - What is the Meaning of Success?

Instead of signing up for another expensive program, I started reading T. Harv Eker's book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". This book has been sitting on my bookshelf for almost a year incidentally! Have you read it? If not, I HIGHLY recommend that you do. I thought at first it was some cheesy book on how to make a million, but it's not. It's about taking a good look at your subconscious to really see where your mindset (money blueprint) is set at and where it comes from (likely your parents). This book is for people not making any money and for those who make it, but can't seem to keep it...sound familiar? After reading only 10 pages of this book, amazing things in my business started happening :)So I ask you, what is your money blueprint set at? Are you here to just get by or be an all-out success? And for those of you thinking right now, and I know some of you are because I thought this way too, that money isn't everything and that you just want to help people...I say; "Yeah right, I don't buy it!". That sentence comes from a deep seeded belief that having money is bad. Keep in mind the more money you have the more people you can help. We have the right to abundance in ALL areas of our lives.

How To Achieve A Success Mindset? The word success stirs the mind of every person. There are hardly any people who don't want to become successful in the world. Leaving aside great personalities who have already achieved success, even most unsuccessful persons try to reach their targets though they are well aware of their shortcomings. However, the question that reverberates in everyone's mind is, "How to achieve a success mindset?" Philosophical Mindset For Success: In a renowned movie of Jean Luc Goddard, the director himself became philosophical and in a breathless interview in the film; the New Wave Film maestro replied to the queries of a beautiful, young and inquisitive journalist that according to him his goal in life is to become immortal. 
As soon as the answer reaches the ears of the audience, they are awestruck. How can a person be immortal in this mortal world? However, after a single thought, you would realize that the only way to become immortal in this world is to win the hearts and minds of the people through your great works. 5 Major Ways To Have A Success Mindset Primarily you need to set your goals and never ever be short of any goal even when you have achieved almost all of them. So as soon as you reach a goal, don't forget to put another goal in the previous place. If all your goals are achieved and no new ones set then pride may well creep in to take over your success mindset. Education is important and plays a vital role in your life. Try to read good books that would help to increase the boundary of your knowledge. Be self-independent. Don't rely on others. Too much dependency on others shoulders will not give you a proper success mindset. 

Be self-confident, try to overcome your obstacles. There are no great people in the world who haven't faced obstacles. You will also face similar things in life, instead of getting frustrated handle them with courage and confidence. Be good to yourself and others.  To have a successful mindset you need to have a good heart. Don't be a hypocrite and help others when they require your help. Whatever game you are in, there are always ways of taking it to the next level. I remember watching the PGA Championship back August 2009. That was the tournament that Y.E. Yang beat Tiger Woods by improving his mental and physical performance prior to playing. I read how he got started in golf at 19 years old after being injured in more physical sports. He would rent videos on how to play and apply what he learned.

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