Friday 18 January 2019

Dating Behavior Research Reveals Strong Differences Between Men and Women

In another study carried out at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, psychological testing revealed that when women are on dates with men they tended to eat less food than at other times. The researchers drew the conclusion that this phenomenon occurred because smaller meals implied attractiveness in some way. Of course, it's hard to know why that might be since that would require another very well structured experiment! But perhaps it's because eating is seen as a less feminine activity. Or maybe there's some subconscious force at work. For instance, eating too much might signal that there's a risk the woman may become overweight.

Whatever the underlying cause of this particular behavior, it is not surprising. No matter how hard we try to deny it, men and women are very different. And there will surely continue to be a steady stream of research findings listing still more ways in which the genders are dissimilar. Unfortunately, these differences continue to cause a lot of confusion and hurt. But on the plus side, they make for a very mysterious, interesting and exciting journey. Simply put, if men and women weren't different to each other, then they wouldn't be men and women. They are defined by their difference, in fact!

How can you make a man want you more? The early stages of courtship guarantee a man's affection and undying devotion to his beloved woman. But as months and years pass, something goes on inside his mind that, to this day, puzzles every woman alive. How then can you make him want you forever? Playing hard to get, this works for some who know how to play the cards well but for many who grasp at this tactic, they might end up losing the guy altogether. Just make him chase you like guys like that the key is to not overdo it. Be unavailable at times but also be there when he's desperate for your companionship.

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