Wednesday 16 January 2019

Living a Passionate Life - How to Overcome Procrastination

People procrastinate for one reason, out of fear. The reasons for the fear can vary depending upon the situation and each person's self-talk. One person may be afraid of failing, and another person may be afraid of succeeding. People may have fears related to what other people will say or think. You don't want to look foolish, you don't want people to laugh at you, you're afraid your family won't support you. The reasons for the fear are very real and the list is endless.

The reality is that procrastination stops you cold. You can make plans, set goals, and intend a lot, but until you take action, nothing will change. How do you eliminate procrastination? The first step to eliminating procrastination is to be very honest with yourself and notice when you are doing it. When do you find yourself making excuses for not doing something you promised yourself you would do?

Notice: Pick a week and notice when you don't get things done that you promised yourself you would. Write down the reasons you gave for not getting them done. What patterns do you see? What types of things did you procrastinate about? Did you ever do any of the tasks you procrastinated about? If so, how did you feel as you did them? How did you feel when you were done with them? Go Deeper: After you have a list of the things you procrastinate about, read each item on the list and really get back into the feeling of the procrastination at the moment when you were resisting taking action. What were you feeling at that moment? What emotion is beneath the inaction? See if you can spot an underlying theme to your procrastination.

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