Thursday 7 February 2019

The Unique Amino Acid L-theanine Explained by Paul Mears

The rewards of DHA in fighting cancer cells have brought it to dominance in the food additive category. With DHA, the growth of colon carcinoma cells is inhibited. This substance has not been proven to cure or to treat cancer yet in more recent studies; it has been believed to have increased the efficacy of chemotherapy. It's a pretty safe bet to suggest most parents want the best for their children. Some might suggest however that 'best' refers to academic excellence, large family home with no yard, and a lunchbox full of shiny packaged foods. Enough activity can sometimes be left as an afterthought.

Rewind the clock to the 1960s, 70s and the early 80s, take a look at any video footage or photos you can find. Our lifestyles were far more active. Yes, we studied hard, however, please read this bit carefully: you can teach your brain at any stage to learn theory; but these formative years are absolutely vital for developing coordination, strength and most importantly a desire to be active. Kids need to be kids and the happiest, healthiest kids are the ones who can throw a ball, jump and run without feeling they're embarrassing themselves.

Here are some simple steps to getting your kids moving in the right direction. With your child/children, take a notepad and draft up a typical week. Get them involved. Fill in everything they have on for that week. Take another page and draft another week and fill the most important things for your child that week. Now find the empty spaces and in bold lettering write PLAYTIME. Stick it to the fridge and get them to look at it every day.

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