Wednesday 13 March 2019

Omega-3 - A Complete Diet For Brain, Heart and Joints

When you are making a main dish, preparation is the key. For flavor, try sprinkling extra virgin olive oil, fresh garlic, lemon, and herbs such as basil or rosemary over your dish. For method grill or broil. For the entrée, choose lean meats, chicken or turkey, and fish for tantalizing meals. All of these dishes are great ideas for your low fat cooking needs. Next time you want to cook a low fat meal, remember some of these tips to add a little flavor to your cooking. I think you will find yourself pleasantly surprised with your new, great tasting cooking, which is also low in fat. Take these ideas, be creative and go cook some great meals.

The body has three systems that produce energy. Each system has a different function and uses a different fuel as an energy source. When training for weight loss it is important to understand when and how each system works and how to use it to your advantage. The Alactic system comes into play when energy is needed in a hurry such as a quick sprint or a heavy lift. The Alactic system uses the fuel Creatine Phosphate which is stored in the muscles ready for such an occasion. It can only provide enough energy for 5 to 10 seconds of quick work.

The lactic system is used when a maximal effort is needed for around 10 to 90 seconds in duration, such as a 400 metre sprint. It is categorized by the burning feeling left in the muscle after a quick sprint. The burning feeling is a build up of lactic acid that will cause the muscle to fatigue. The lactic acid system uses carbohydrate in the form of glucose and glycogen as a fuel source. The aerobic energy system will come into play after 2 to 3 minutes and can last for up to 2 - 3 hours. It is slow to kick in but will produce a large amount of energy in the presence of oxygen. This system uses fat and glycogen as a fuel source and is the system we want to use when training for weight loss.

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