Thursday 28 March 2019

Overcome Major Obstacles to Create Success in Your Life

Most people fail before they take the first Unlocking Transcendence Review step. They believe they will fail so they don't even try. They fear criticism so they don't charge boldly in the direction of their dreams. Most failure is the failure of a person to take the risk and the challenge to create something better. If you are a Rhino (and we all have a little Rhino in us), you need to understand that living a cow life standing in the field of safety and mediocrity is no way to live. Giving up your life in exchange for safety, and security is to not live at all. Do you fear failure? If so, why? What is there to fear? "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" is a great motto and a great book which I highly recommend. You need to change your perspective about failure. Remember, life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it. Simply changing how you view "failure" can change your life.

Failure is a very positive thing. It teaches you how to do it better next time, increases your skills, increases your knowledge and improves your perspective. Failures give you wisdom, the wisdom to make better, more efficient decisions in the future. Many people look at failure as some permanent state that will forever define who they are. The fear of failure at work, in sports, at home or in the public eye prevent most people from living their dreams.

Change your perspective from seeing failure as a permanent destructive force to a positive learning experience that is essential on the path to success. You will not be a perfect success at everything you attempt. Success in any field comes from doing some things right and doing some things wrong. The final product is success created by the ups and downs, the positives and negatives and the modified actions created by small hurdles ("failures") along the way.

Who cares?? Seriously, do you really care what the cows will say about you while they stand in the field criticizing you for taking a chance? Remember, the cows are scared to leave the herd and live their dreams. You are creating the life YOU desire, the life YOU want to live. Not a life justified by the cows! If you fail it is a very good sign; it means you are moving forward, you are challenging your intelligence and you are taking chances. If you fail, it means you are not standing still in the pasture with the cows! People will always remember your success more than your failures. And people that constantly hang on to your failures are doing it justify their own lack of action.

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