Wednesday 27 March 2019

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A type of survey known as an intercept survey Facebook Ad IQ Academy Review is more and more prevalent. An intercept is a mechanism by which certain web site visitors are invited to participate in an online survey. By combining an online survey with an intercept, it is easy to find a target audience that should be invited to participate in the online survey. The interception of web site visitors can occur only on certain specified pages of the web site, so that only visitors who have viewed particular pages are invited to participate. Furthermore, other parameters, such as, the amount of time spent on the web site and the number of pages viewed on the web site can be used to invite only the participants that are more likely to participate in the web survey.

Recently, I received an e-mail announcing a tele-seminar titled: "The Marketers Death Match." In case you don't know what a tele-seminar is, it's simply using the telephone, one of the most effective marketing tools in existence today, to pitch a product or service to a group of people on some marketers in-house list. The marketer sends out an e-mail to their list announcing a special tele-seminar and invites people to call in (usually free) to listen to the guest speaker who will reveal some valuable information about whatever the people on the list might be interested in.

As I stated above this tele-seminar is more than likely going to be a sales pitch to hook the callers into buying something, it doesn't matter what it is. It's simply a marketing strategy that's being used very effectively by many marketers right now. Here's why this "Marketers Death Match" is such a "BIG IDEA"... First, the sponsor of this tele-seminar skillfully positioned himself by building a huge list of people who are interested in learning marketing strategies to build their own in-house list of potential customers. He then formed joint ventures with well known Internet marketers to have as guest speakers at his Tele-Seminars.

He already had a huge list and he had his joint ventures with marketing experts. Using these assets he came up with the idea of having a contest between two or more marketing experts to reveal their best marketing strategies and secrets to the tele-seminar listeners. Now, these tele-seminars take place every week, and they can go on indefinitely. He could also do a copy riting Death Match, a list building Death Match, a self publishing Death Match, and anything else that would be of interest to the people on his list...

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Blood in Stool - Why You Shouldn't Fear it!

Using a colon cleanser can often eliminate the bacteria in your colon and can cause problems. No dangerous side effects compared with laxat...